Sunday, 24 September 2017

The 10 most spoken languages in the world

Everybody have our mother tongue language.  For communication a language is important. The 10 most spoken language list in blog. Check your language 
1. Chinese(mandarin) :-
       standard Chinese also know as modern mandarin. Chinese language mainly sponke in China, Taiwan and Singapore. 
2. Spanish:-
          It is usually considered the worlds second most spoken native language after mandarin Chinese.
3. English :-
          English is the most commonly spoken language in the United States,  United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. It is the most widely learned second language. 

4. Hindi:-
      Hindi is the fourth most spoken first in language in world  after Chinese,  Spanish,  English. Mainly spoken in India.

5. Arabic:-
        Arabic is the fives most spoken language in world after Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi.  Arabic at around 250 million native speaker. 

Saturday, 23 September 2017

How to make a mobile phone detector

How make a mobile phone detector 

Mobile detector can sense the present of mobile phone form distance of one To two meter. 

Circuit diagram:-
    Fig:- circuit diagram of mobile phone                                 detector

Parts List (components) :-
                                            Things You need
1. IC  3130CA
2. LED (Light Emmiter Diode)
3. Battery ( 9 volt)
4. 1 k.ohm Resistor
5. 100 K. ohm Resistor
6. 2.2 M. Ohm Resistor (required 2 )
7. 47 uF Capacitor
8. 0.22 uF Capacitor
9. 100 uF Capacitor
10. BC548 Transistor
11. Breadboard or pcb

Sunday, 17 September 2017

List of Prime Minister of India

Hello friend ......
Total list of PM of India
1. Jawaharlal Nehru:- Start date of(first) term 15 August 1947

2 .Lal Bahadur Shastri:- Start date of(first) term 9 June 1964

3. Gulzarilal Nanda:- Start date of(first) term 27 May 1964

4. Indira Gandhi:- Start date of(first) term 24 January 1966

5. Moraji Desai:- Start date of(first) term 24 March 1977